Dream-Reality Confusion in Borderline Personality Disorder

A Theoretical Analysis.

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Medicine and Health

Dream-reality confusion (DRC) is a condition in which an individual has difficulty determining whether something happened in a dream or in waking life, causing a blur between different states of consciousness. It has been linked to narcolepsy and psychotic symptoms, but has not been extensively studied in individuals with other mental disorders. Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a complex disorder characterized by instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affect, as well as impulsivity. It is associated with sleep disturbances, dissociative symptoms, negative dream content, cognitive disturbances, and thin boundaries, which may make individuals with BPD more vulnerable to experiencing DRC. BPD causes significant distress and impairment in multiple domains of functioning and increases the risk of suicide. This article discusses the overlap between DRC and BPD.