Potential pension fund losses from bold climate action.

The article begins by highlighting the necessity of shutting down fossil-fuel production sites before they’re fully utilized. This is crucial for ambitious climate policies. However, if investors don’t anticipate this, they might face losses on their investments, known as “stranded assets”. Governments in wealthy Western countries might be hesitant to implement strong climate policies due to the potential social repercussions of such asset stranding, especially as it could negatively impact oil and gas companies. There’s a particular concern about pension plans that have investments in these markets. If these plans are already underfunded, they could be at even more risk.

The power of peer referrals and behavioral incentives.

The study seems to be about understanding how certain behavioral strategies can help increase the reach of energy programs aimed at low-income households. One of the strategies they tested was the use of peer referrals. They gave some participants a $1 gift as a token of appreciation for being part of the GRID community. Along with the gift, these participants also received a referral slip and a stamped return envelope. After 11 days, a reminder postcard was sent to these participants, reminding them of the gift they received and thanking them for their referrals. The materials were provided in either English or Spanish based on the household’s language preference.