Boosting Brain Power with Hearing Aids
A Study on Older Adults and Cognitive Health.
Sleep and Synaptic Adjustment in Zebrafish Neurons
Sleep’s Impact on Neuronal Synapses in Zebrafish.
Deeper the Love, Deeper the Hate
Can intense love lead to stronger resentment?
Cash in Style
How the Appearance of Money Shapes our Spending Habit.
Sensory Environments for Reducing ASD Surgery Anxiety
Non-Drug Methods to Calm ASD Patients.
Genetic Links Between Activity Levels and Gut Health
Decoding How Sedentary and Active Lifestyles Impact Digestive Diseases.
Unlocking 5-MeO-DMT
Non-Hallucinogenic Therapeutic Potential of 5-MeO-DMT.
Unlocking Memory
How DNA Damage Responses Shape Learning and Longevity in the Brain.
Drug Discovery with Generative Chemistry
Quantum Computing’s Role in Advancing Generative Chemistry.
Everyday Temptations
Motivation and Desire: A Study of Daily Temptations.
Breastfeeding and Children’s IQ
Does breastfeeding make babies smarter?
Sleep Inspires Insight
Does Sleep Help With Problem Solving?
The Mad Genius Stereotype
Is being gifted seen as evil?
Eating Patterns
Reducing eating duration to 10-11 hours has surprising positive results.
Reducing Calories May Not Lead to Weight Loss
A Multi-Faceted Approach to Tackling Obesity.
Global Kidney Cancer Study
Geographic Mutational Patterns.
Linking Academic Goals to Depression in Adolescents
Achievement Orientations and Youth Mental Health in Australia.
Number of Human and Bacteria Cells in the Body
Are there more bacteria cells in our body than human cells?
Signals That Dampen Appetite
How a full gut tells the mouth to stop eating.
Decoding Our Past
How a Tiny DNA Change Led to Tail Loss in Humans and Apes.
When hunger makes everything better looking!
Can hunger change your type in the opposing gender?
Gender Stereotypes
Emergence of gender stereotypes about intelligence in children.
Brain Drain
Smartphone Presence Reduces Cognitive Capacity.
Large Teams Develop and Small Teams Disrupt
Does the size of the team impact the projects they undertake?
Genetic Mastery for Improved Crop Yields
Creating a Reference Genome for Modern Sugarcane Cultivar R570.
Get the Cash Beat the Virus
A Global Review from 1996 to 2019.
Tired minds, tired hearts
Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Emotions and Helping Behavior.
Smart Hydrogel
Self-Healing Hydrogel Transforms Burn and Infection Care.
Stopping Cell Death to Fight Severe Flu
UH15-38: A New Hope for Preventing Lethal Influenza Outcomes.
The Influences of Emotion on Learning and Memory
Are emotional events remembered more clearly?
Experience More, Post Less.
How Sharing Affects Authenticity and Liking.
Caffeine Might Lead to Enduring Brain Changes
Caffeine’s Molecular Effects on Neurons and Brain Cells.
Autoimmune Diseases and Cardiovascular Risk Connection
Debates, Mechanisms, and Implications.
Metaverse of the Mind
A study navigating the metaverse of mind and emotion.
Natural Supplements vs. Postpartum Blues
A Clinical Trial.
Discipline and Distinction in the Age of the Internet
A sociological study of the fitness practice.
Mind over Mute
Turning Silent Thoughts into Virtual Speech.
Kids These Days
Why the Youth of Today Seem Lacking.
Unlocking Smiles
The Brain’s Secret Path to Beating Depression.
Sleepmore in Seattle
Do later school start times improve high school performance?
Bringing Emotions to Life
The Revolutionary Cybernetic Avatar ‘Yui’.
Interactions Between Patient and General Practitioner
And How They Change With Weight.
Alcohol Consumption and Health.
How alcohol impact varies based on disease rates.
Cues of Fatigue
Can sleep deprivation change your facial appearance?
Spending 120 Minutes in Nature
How much time should you spend in nature and why?
Mystical Connections
Near-Death Experiences and Psychedelic-Induced Phenomenology.
Poverty Impedes Cognitive Function
How does poverty impact the cognitive functioning of humans?
Smoldering Effects
Unveiling the Persistent Impact of Smoking on Human Immune Responses.
Unlocking the Secrets of TAS2R14
Cholesterol as a Gatekeeper in Bitter Taste Perception.
Optimising Airplane Seating for Pandemic Safety
Innovative Seat Assignments to Minimise Infection Risks.
Beef and deforestation
Can eating less beef stop deforestation?
Conspiracy Theorists: 9/11
“What about building 7?”
One Health Concept
Health of ecosystem is intertwined with the health of humans.
The Double-Edged Controller
How does video gaming affect your psychology?
Student Beauty and Grades
Does being attractive affect your grades?
Human Genetics and Malaria Resistance
Can human genes develop resistance to Malaria?
Optimised CNNs for Enhanced Alzheimer’s Diagnosis
A Particle Swarm Approach.
Step up to Health
How Daily Steps Impact Longevity and Heart Health.
The Multiple Dimensions of Gender Stereotypes
Men’s and Women’s Characterisations of Others and Themselves.
Cats and Slow-Blink Stimuli
Is slow-blinking in cats a sign of affection?
Dream-Reality Confusion in Borderline Personality Disorder
A Theoretical Analysis.
Global Changes Fueling Infectious Disease Risks
Analysing How Biodiversity Loss, Pollution, and Climate Change Spread Diseases.
Consequences of Sleep Deprivation
Effects of insufficient sleep on cardiovascular risk.
Toxic Echoes
Unraveling Persistent Social Media Patterns.
Father’s Gut Health Directly Impacts Offspring’s Future
Paternal Microbiota.
New Cell Dynamics in Human Liver Regeneration
Key to Rapid Liver Regeneration and Healing.
MMR Vaccine and Autism
Does the MMR vaccine increase autism risk?
The Psychology of Optimal Experience.
Mental Health Problems in PhD Students
Impact of the research environment on PhD students’ mental health.
Orange Pulp Eating Gut Microbes Change Up Metabolism
Can it cause a decline in fat storage?
Tea Temperature and Esophageal Cancer Risk
The correlation between hot drinks and esophageal cancer.
Unlocking the Neural Keys to Immune Regulation
Exploring the Brain’s Role in Controlling Inflammatory Responses.
Fit for the Future.
Relationship between Discipline and Distinction in Modern Society.
Night Shift Doctors and Analgesics
Why do night shift doctors dispense painkillers less freely?
Nightmares and COVID-19
Has pandemic stress increased suicide attempt risk?
Urban Mindscapes
Impact of urban environments on youth mental health.
Battle for the Thermostat
Is the cognitive performance of different genders affected by temperature?
Benign Envy
How has the emotion of envy changed over time?
Exploring the Minds of Skilled Liars
Characteristics of Lying.
Total Sleep Deprivation and Pain Sensitivity
The effects of total sleep deprivation in healthy humans.
The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2
What is the origin for HCoV-19?
The Fragrance Paradox
The Conflict Between Health and Attraction in Fragrances.
Association between Soft Drink Consumption and Mortality
Can consuming soft drinks lead to death?
Eyebrows and Narcissist
Can Eyebrows Reveal a Narcissist?
Adolescent Cannabis Use and Depression Risk
Does cannabis use lead to depression and anxiety in adolescents?
Blind Date Setting
The Heart Beats as One.
Pornography Consumption As Existential Escape
Do people watch pornography to get rid of boredom?
Mapping Gene Activation in Early Brain Development
Chromatin Accessibility in Early Brain Development.
Steady Hands in the Virtual World
Study on how a steady grip in VR leads to better performance.
Boosting Clean Energy Access
The power of peer referrals and behavioral incentives.
Happiness Rises With Income
Does happiness stop increasing after $75,000?
Effects of being ignored on the internet.
Delaying the Inevitable
The Impact of Procrastination on Health Among University Students.
Impact of COVID-19 on Consumer Behavior
How has Covid-19 impacted consumer behaviour?
Dreaming About Cats: An Online Survey
How often and why do people dream about cats?
Alcohol’s Impact on Global Interpersonal Violence Prevalence
Quantifying Alcohol’s Role in Violence Across Regions.
Brain Temperature and Injury
Can brain temperature predict survival after brain injury?
Born to Code
Portrayal of Computer Scientists as Geniuses.
Tracking Tasks in Virtual Reality
Exploring Task Constraints’ Impact on Visuomotor Tracking in VR.
Bed Sharing Couples and Sleep
Do bed sharing couples get better sleep?
E-Cigarettes vs Nicotine Replacement Therapy
Which is better? E-cigarettes or Nicotine?
How Old Am I?
Is subjective age associated with estimated brain age?